Raising LivestockEffects of Sunflower Seeds on Egg Laying Hens

Effects of Sunflower Seeds on Egg Laying Hens

The effects of Sunflower Seeds on egg laying hens in a chicken flock can benefit a homestead’s egg production therefore helping the family to become more self sufficient in independent food management.

homestead survival Effects of Sunflower Seeds on Egg Laying Hens is from ehow.  Supplementing ingredients into chicken feed to create a healthier blend that nourish, protein and fattens up the chickens increases their immune system and ability to lay eggs.

As you are planning your garden, you may want to add growing sunflower plants to supplement your chicken feed. Remember to cover the sunflower heads towards harvest time with a double layer of cheesecloth. You would be totally surprised how many people do not know this simple trick to keep birds from stealing your harvest before the seeds are fully ripe.

Sunflower seeds are a good source of Calcium, B vitamins, Iron, Vitamin E and Potassium.

Sunflower Seed with Hulls –

  • Crude Protein——16.8

  • Digestible Protien-13.9

  • Fat——————-25.9

  • Fiber—————–29.0

  • Nitrogen – Free—-18.8

  • Mineral Matter—–3.1

  • Calcium————-0.17

  • Phosphorus——–0.52

Photo Source

The truth is, homesteading chickens just love black oil sunflower seeds in their hulls as a great source of entertainment as well.

Click here to read about the effects of sunflower seeds on egg laying hens:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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