One of the most important emergency preparedness skills is developing situational awareness. Situational awareness is the ability to identify, process, and understand the critical parts of what’s going on around you. This is a very important thing for people, especially women, to learn because a lot of things in the world can be at threat to you.
Figuring out what’s going on around you, and what’s dangerous is just the first step to being able to take care of yourself. All you have to do is learn how to observe your surrounding and make assessments on what’s going on. Whether or not it’s safe, whether or not you should do something in particular. It’s not a superhuman ability, it just takes some practice.
It’s important that a woman learn the skill of situational awareness because they’re at a higher risk. While in no way are women considered weak, it is just some women just can’t physically overpower a large bulky attacker. So knowing what’s going on at all times around yourself can help reduce the risk of being in a situation like that. It’s a small fix that can make a very big difference, all you have to do is spend some time learning how to observe and process carefully.
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