This Emergency Supplies 5 Gallon Bucket Kit Project is a great way to have your bug out ecavation supplies stored in your garage or in your car trunk. The actual bucket can be a tool in itself.

I have always thought that a five gallon bucket with emergency supplies would be such a wonderful gift for family and friends who are like minded.
In the event of a natural disaster (especially now with Hurricanes Harvey and Irma), people should now be prepared for anything that can happen and have it handy. This is a special kit that can be made at home using a large five gallon bucket to have everything in one place when disaster strikes. It should have a bit of everything for any storm – hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, or blizzards – and be carried anywhere necessary. This is DIY because we know what’s in it and what to do in any scenario. Plus, the things placed inside should be made to what is necessary for each person and it is a money-saver compared to premade kits.
So, what should be in the EMERGENCY SUPPLY KIT:
Can/bottle Opener
Waterproof Matches
Powerful Flashlight
Bottled Water
Water filter straws
Calorie bars
Bottle of Whiskey
Duct Tape
Emergency Mylar Foil blankets
Wood burning portable stove (Kelly Kettle)
Torch lighter
Ziplock bags
Garbage Bags
Portable water filtration unit and extra filter
Packaged Non-Perishable Food
Then, there should be a FIRST-AID KIT:
Basic First Aid Book
Homeopathic Medicine Book & Medicines
Book Medicinal Plants & Herbs – (identifying and how to use them)
Activated Charcoal – for food posioning or drug overdoses
Benedryl for an allergic reaction
Iodine tablets for radiation exposure
Irrigation Syringe
Sterile Water
Stapler and Staples and Staple Remover (skin closures)
Surgical Glue
Pressure Wrap
Breathable Tape
Bandaids – all sizes and quite a few
Ace bandages w/ closures – various sizes
Sterile Sutures and Needles – for stitching up larger wounds (found mine on ebay, various sizes)
Quikclot or Celox, help to get wounds to stop bleeding and scab over quicker.
Cotton Q Tips
Safety Pins
Alcohol Prep Pads
Latex Gloves
CPR Mask
Breathable Orthopedic Casting Tape
Splinting Padding
Sanitary pads – Good for massive blood wounds
Epsom Salts – for minor skin infections and constipation
Tampons for gun shots
Colloidial silver
Glucose packs
Tea Tree Oil
Rubbing Alcohol
Field Surgical Kit
Sterile Gauze – all sizes
Raw Honey for healing wounds
Turmeric Powder, stops bleeding and makes cuts heal faster
Aspirin for suspected heart attack
Roll of duct tape
Various sized splints
Vodka – Cleans
Bone saw
Eye pads
Saline Solution
Eye wash cup
Butterfly Closures
Arm sling
Steri Strips
Hinged Knee Brace
Razor Knife
Suture Staple Kit
Gel Pads for Burns
Lollipops – kids and Diabetics
Head Strap Flashlight and batteries (spare)… in case you need to help with First Aid in the dark
Snake bite kit
Hydrogen peroxide
Granulated sugar or sugar cubes for a sugar paste- can be used for wounds or if sugar drops
Credit card or elmers glue- removes a splint
Wood ruler- temporary splint
Sock- hold bandage in place
Towel or tshirt- tourniquet
Cotton balls- stop bleeding or pack small wounds
Tampon- stop nose bleed or pack wound
Black Drawing Salve
Magnifying glass
Pencil n note pad always good to record vitals and details of incident
Antibiotic salve
Bottle of penicillin you can get it from a feed store
Clove oil for tooth aches
Olive Leaf Extract is an antibiotic
Oil of oregano – antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal
Emergency Dental repair kit
Peppermint essential oil for headache and pains
What would you add to the list?
It should be at our disposal to use under any event to survive and get in contact with others until we are in the clear. Your supplies should be reviewed annually to replace anything used, outdated or spoiled.
Click here to read about Emergency Supplies 5 Gallon Bucket Kit Project: