CraftsEmpty Pistachio Nuts into Wreath Craft Project

Empty Pistachio Nuts into Wreath Craft Project

This Empty Pistachio Nuts into Wreath Craft Project is detailed in this step by step tutorial using frugal crafting supplies.

Empty Pistachio Nuts into Wreath Craft Project

These two projects can be made at home to hang on the front door of the home as a decorative piece to introduce guests. It is a representation of a mix of spring and fall with its fairly light use of green, red, and brown. For the two different wreaths, get the following: a wreath circle, a glue gun and glue stick, pistachio shells, paint brushes plus red paint, green spray paint (two versions of it), paper towels or newspaper, and a mask.

Start with the pistachios – eat them and keep the shells. Have the shells’ hollow side facing inside, pile them like flower petals and glue them together. This should resemble a flower. Make them until the fill up the entire wreath. Some like it like this – natural and brown – so, they simply hang it once it is dry. But, others like color to it.

With the two different greens in spray cans and wearing a mask to prevent the inhaling of fumes, lay the wreath on the newspaper and spray away. Mix the two green up going up and down the wreath. Spray at least two layers over the shells. Then, comes the touch of redness, usually a rose color, on the tips of the shells. It gives a good fading look to it instead of something all green that looks too real. It should reflect nature.

Let it dry and hang it on the door. A beautiful wreath made with pistachio shells is an impressive creation to showcase.


To make the Pistachio Nut Wreath you need:

• Wreath form (Buy here from Amazon)

• Low heat glue gun (Buy here from Amazon)

• Glue sticks (Buy here from Amazon)

• Pistachio nut shells

• 2 different colors of green multi-surface spray paint (Buy here from Amazon)

• Small bottle of rose colored craft paint (Buy here from Amazon)

• Paint brushes (Buy here from Amazon)

• Old newspapers and some paper towel

• Mask (for protection from paint fumes while using spray paint) (Buy here from Amazon)

Click here to read about how to make Empty Pistachio Nuts into Wreath Craft Project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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