This Essential Oil Safety Tips for Natural Alternative Healing information is worthy knowledge to invest in researching.

These multi-use oils are extracted plants and are very much powerful than normal herbs. Just one drop makes a difference in whatever is being used for, as well as any side effects of using them. These are seven safety tips using essential oils to know about. First, make sure you are using 100% pure essential oil because any additives affects the oil and what it can be used for. Since they are used for health reasons, you should know where it comes from and how it was made. Second, avoid water in the event of a reaction to it, such as an allergy or skin irritation. Water only keeps the oil on the skin; a vegetable-based oil can counter the effects. Keep the oil away from your ears and eyes; like the skin, use vegetable oil.
Next, don’t drink (or eat) the oil unless it is certified as safe. Most of them are not for consumption. Because of the purity of oil and the concerns, you can dilute it with a carrier oil when applying it to the skin and on young children. Diluting essential oil makes it last longer when applied and the effects won’t go away. When applying on children, remember to use only a very small amount of it while diluting to avoid causing irritation. Finally, before using them, talk to your doctor.
If you have a certain medical conditions, certain essential oils may not be right for you. Essential oils have a lot of good things to it, but don’t overuse it and be aware of those other factors.
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