Essential OilsEssential Oils for Healing and Treatment of Burns

Essential Oils for Healing and Treatment of Burns

This list of essential oils for the healing and treatment of burns will help soothe the pain, reduce scarring and speed up the healing process.

Essential Oils for Healing and Treatment of Burns

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Everyone will have (or has had) a burn at some point in their lifetime. Burns hurt, blister, pus, peel and scar.

They have proven to be very uncomfortable to handle. Burns can be very dangerous if not properly cared for or not treated accordingly. It is always a necessity to know the degree of any burn you may have before deciding whether or not to treat it at home.

So what can you do about burns naturally at home? Can essential oils help the healing process including getting rid of the scarring skin and redness that occurs as time goes by? There are numerous ways in which the basic essential oils can help to heal burns.

When it comes to deciding which essential oil can facilitate the process of healing burns, there are a few to select from with each having its own unique, powerful way of treating the problem.

The anti inflammatory, antiseptic and antibiotic properties are what speed up the healing process and fight off infection.

Essential Oils for Healing:

1. Lavender – promotes new cell growth (Buy Here)

2. Roman Chamomile – anti inflammatory and stop infections (Buy Here)

3. Peppermint – heals steam burns and scalds (Buy Here)

4. Neroli – heals old and new scars (Buy Here)

5. Tea Tree – antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial (Buy Here)

6. Calendula – anti inflammatory and pain reducer (Buy Here)

7. Geranium – antibacterial (Buy Here)

8. Lemongrass – clean wound and prevent infection (Buy Here)

9. Eucalyptus – antiseptic (Buy Here)


Method One: Mix three drops of your choice essential oil in a tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel and apply to the area of the burn.

Method Two: Fill an empty spray bottle with filtered water and add 30 drops of essential oil. Shake well and spray the area of the burn liberally. Atomiser works even better.

Method Three: Treat at home by placing the injured burned skin under a faucet of gently running cool water or applying a cool water and essential oil compress to the burned area. To make a essential oil compress, wet and release extra water then sprinkle essential oil onto cloth.

Whatever the kind of burn you may have suffered, whether it is just a minor skin damage of first-degree burn, severe nerve damage and scarring from a third-degree burn, essential oils will make the healing process a lot comfortable. This blog discusses several essential oil recipes for treating burns.

You are sure to find some relief from pain caused by burns in this article. Read and see the tutorial on how to utilize essential oils successfully for the treatment of burns.

Click here to read about a list of essential oils for the healing and treatment of burns:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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