Extra Chicken Eggs: Ways To Use Them on Homestead… just a few ways to stretch them around the homestead usefully.
Eggs have the necessities we want to have. They are good for us and they are delicious when we add cheese, ketchup, hot sauce, and vegetables with them. It is very beneficial if you can hatch your own eggs with the hens in the backyard. They can hatch up more than your usual dozen you can buy in a store.
So, what do you do when you have those extra eggs?
One: Feed them to your pets. Eggs have the essential vitamins and minerals they need as part of a pet’s diet. When you feed eggs to your pets, you may realize that their fur gets softer and their skin looks healthier.
Two: Freeze the yellow yolks. Whole hard boiled eggs are not good frozen, so freeze the yolks alone because they do hold up. Frozen egg yolks can be crumbled on your salad, and mixed with freshly hard boiled eggs in an egg salad. Frozen egg yolks are also a good filling in a lunch wrap alongside hummus and avocado.
Three: Give them away. If your neighbor or friend needs some eggs, just give it to them. Just like when a neighbor goes to your door when they need sugar.
Four: Give to your local food bank. Donating fresh eggs to the local food pantry is great as a nice way to support the community and it can be considered tax deductible. However, not all food banks accept eggs if they are hatched from chickens, so contact them if they accept all eggs. Other places that love fresh eggs are churches, fire stations, homeless shelters, and local schools.
Five: Save them to give back to your chickens. Again, like regular house pets, they need that protein, calcium, and other major nutrients.
Six: Salt-cure egg yolks. This is a great plan to make your meals with because it is really easy do. It looks a like a hardened piece of cheese, salty, and easy to be grated. It adds a touch of flavor to any dish you desire.
Seven: Make new recipes with them. Having all of these eggs saves some money, especially if you eat eggs for breakfast and use them for dinners. Try to make some new egg-based meals, such as breakfast creme brûlée, bacon lobster omelette, spicy masala egg roast, and egg-based pizza.
Eight: Sell the eggs. Sell them cheaper than a grocery store. So, now you are also gaining a profit with these new eggs instead of buying them at the store. Ten: Freeze them, as a whole, unboiled; they can be thawed and taste just as good.
Nine: Use eggs in natural beauty hacks. This egg coconut oil honey hair mask will nourish the scalp, promote blood circulation, stimulate hair growth and check hair fall.
One whole egg
1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil
1 tablespoon organic honey
Place a tablespoon of coconut oil into a small bowl. Warm it a little so that it can liquefy.
Crack an egg into the small bowl and add your tablespoon of organic honey.
Whisk up the ingredients thoroughly until well combined.
Ten: Dehydrate scrambled eggs for long term food storage. Don’t let them go to waste. Click here to read how “How To Make Dehydrated Powdered Eggs For Food Storage”