Household TipsFind Frugal Camping Spot While Living In Van

Find Frugal Camping Spot While Living In Van

How to find a frugal camping spot while living in a van either in the country or within the city.

Find Frugal Camping Spot While Living In Van

To start with, know the code language that is part of camping locations. It is like the military or any specific occupation with simple messages and nicknames for people and places. First, the National Forest will have FS, or Forest Service, in regards to using amenities and the cost of the campground. These FS grounds will have fresh water and toilets, but not showers. Going to an NP is called a National Park, of course, and are popular to go to because they are federally protected and funded places; the same goes with any SPs, or State Parks. BLM refers to land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management, and RVs are the initials for recreational vehicles, or caravans.

Next, get the apps on the phone for listings of all camping locations and information that helps in getting the right spot, whether it’s for big RV’s or even tenting outside. The Ultimate Public Campgrounds App and Allstays Camp & RV are both perfect for the things they provide including the operation periods, facilities, exact locations, dump stations, nearby stores (like WalMart), and other important information that is useful to the people living in a van.

Finally, just simply go out and enjoy long period of camping out from the van. Find all of the spots of the camping grounds during an adventure.

With these tips in mind, those long, rough nights will occur less during the time away from the big city and living out,  the van campers would take part in

Click here to read about how to find frugal camping spot while living in a van:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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