I think this is a post that is so worth sharing. When your garden over produces, instead of sneaking around the neighborhood in the middle of the night gifting everyone with the surplus zucchini.
Find a food bank near you and donate it to help folks that don’t have a garden.
AmpleHarvest.org has an app to help you locate the food bank nearest your house. What a wonderful way to share your excess bounty with those less fortunate.
AmpleHarvest.org mission statement is.
“What We Do
We enable you to eliminate hunger and malnutrition in your own community.
AmpleHarvest.org connects 40+ million Americans with excess food in their garden and local food pantries.
Garden by garden, home & community gardeners and other growers are fighting hunger and malnutrition in America.
Our core mission: No Food Left Behind.”
They have an App for Iphone or Android and it is about half way down the page on the right hand side. If you this is as great an idea as I do please be sure to share it.