How To Make Flavorful Infused Honey Recipes
These 2 methods of how to make flavorful infused honey recipes can create an amazing endless list delicious combinations that makes incorporating using honey to sweet your food dishes or beverages a luxurious treat.
When infusing honey there is no prefect amounts because each person’s taste buds are different but I would suggest using smaller amounts then letting it infuse. If you want a stronger flavor, replace the old ingredients with a new batch of ingredients and infuse longer until achieving desired taste.
My favorite is Grapefruit/Lemon Balm honey, it is so uplifting. I infuse my different honey combinations then strain out the solids (ingredients to flavor the honey) then store the infused honey in a quilted 4oz. small mason jars.. This is a great homemade gift idea, a set of six different infused combination flavors.