Forcing Paperwhite Bulbs Into Flowers Mason Jar Gift is a great way to share the beautiful scent and blooming flowers with a friend or family members. This is a great idea for the gardener is your life that appreciates the pungently fragrant scent that will gently swirl throughout their home. Paperwhites and amaryllises are classic holiday flowers that display the spirit of the season.
Varieties of Paperwhites that would work well for this project:
American Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) – creates a rustic look
Redtwig Dogwood (Cornus sericea) – offers bold Christmas red stems
Willow (Salix sp.) have yellow green stems that help brighten up the winter months
‘Inbal’ and ‘Ariel grow better in soil than in water
Gently add gravel to a wide-mouthed canning jar. Place bulbs, and then add a little more gravel, if needed. Remember to keep at least one-third of each bulb above gravel level. Add water until it reaches the base of the bulbs. Always keep water at that level. From there, follow the same directions you’d use for planting in soil.
When planting in soil, fill a small pot with a coarse potting soil mix. Add bulbs. Don’t plant too deeply. Water well, and let drain. Place pots in a cool room (around 55 to 60 degrees) for 7 to 10 days to stimulate roots. Then move to a warm spot (around 70 degrees) with bright light to encourage foliage and flowers.
Enjoy months of paperwhite blooms by staggering bulb planting every few weeks.
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