FreezingFreezing Ready To Eat Collard Greens

Freezing Ready To Eat Collard Greens

How many of you that love and grow Collards greens have ever thought about freezing ready to eat collard greens? If you do love collards then you already know that when you make a batch of them, they need to cook for a long time to get to that silky smooth stage. They just are not as delicious until that stage. Once you get there though they are pretty hard to resist.

Freezing Ready To Eat Collard Greens

Another secret to the sweetest best tasting collard greens is letting the frost get them. They are a little bitter until the frost chills that bitterness right out of them. Our Simple Life SC shares a recipe for cooking up a huge batch and then freezing them is smaller batches so you will have them all ready to that and eat over the winter. They tell us that you should actually allow them to get  frost three times. Evidently they just get sweeter with multiple frosts. While I like collard greens I do have the fact that they seem to take forever to cook against them. Now though, with this cook and freeze method we can harvest the whole patch of collard and cook them up all at once, one time and put them away and be done cooking them.

I love this, so much better that blanching and using that time and then still having to spend time later cooking them. This way in one day you are done and you get to eat your labors for months to come. Cooked with a mixture of apple juice, onion, garlic and sweet peppers along with some other spices, the only change to this recipe that i would make is to add some hot peppers like jalapeno or banana or any peppers that will provide a little kick because we like them that way.

What I usually add to my cooked greens, including fried cabbage is  Vietnamese Chili Garlic sauce.  This stuff is so good in so many things. I add it to lots of soups and stews and chili. Pretty much anything you want to add a kick to. It is delicious but if you have never tried it start small because a little goes a long way.  So for instance this recipe will yield around 10 quarts so I would use a max of three tablespoons of the hot sauce. I saw in the comments of the recipe that if you don’t want to make such a large batch of collards you can just cut everything in the recipe in fourths and make a smaller batch.

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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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