Learn how to get a perfect caulk line when you are doing your own projects that need caulking. If you have ever had to caulk you probably already know how difficult it is to get clean caulk lines while doing so. With this tip you can get a clean caulk line every time.

How To Nest For Less shows how to use painter’s tape to create clear crisp lines that look almost professional. Here is a tip for when you are caulking a bathtub. Before you apply the caulk around the tub, first fill the tub full of water. When you caulk without the water the first time someone takes a bath or even steps into the tub the caulk is going to be pulled on and it won’t be long till you have to start cleaning out the old broken caulk and caulking the tub all over again. By filling the tub full of water first the tub will be at its lowest point when you apply the caulk.
This way when someone takes a bath the caulk won’t be stretched and pulled. We used to have to re-caulk our tub at least every six months until we learned this tip. I think it has been about three years bow since we had to caulk last. It really does save he wear and tear on your caulk job. So next time your tub needs caulk, fill it with water first and then use the painter’s tape to get a professional looking caulk line. You’re welcome.