Emergency PreparednessGetting Prepared Month By Month For A Year

Getting Prepared Month By Month For A Year

Learn how to go about getting prepared month by month for a year. If you saw the news this past week the you already know that the stock market was a wild and crazy roller coaster ride for much of the week. It got so bad that a former adviser to Gordon Brown once prime minister in the UK told people to stock up on tinned foods and water to last at least a month according to The Independent .

Getting Prepared Month By Month For A Year

While he was offering advise to help folks out, I though how sad that they told people to do this prepping when the stuff looked like it had already hit the fan. Fortunately things improved by the end of the week but the markets open again on Monday and I doubt that will be the last hairy ride we will see. While I know a lot of our viewers have been with us long enough to already be at least somewhat prepared. For those folks that have no preparations for bad times this article from Backdoor Survival might help. They break it down into a few small steps per month for an entire year. If you have the means to speed up the steps then you should go for it. Catastrophe can strike any one of us at any time.

I know when hurricane Sandy hit the east coast we had a lot of people sending us messages and thanking us for having helped them know how to be prepared. Many of our viewers from the area had generators and food and water and medicines stocked up so they didn’t have to venture out . Others that had to leave their home had their bug out bags ready to go when it happened. Everyone, no matter where they live should be prepared for an emergency. While we don’t recommend a warehouse stockpiled with all manner of goods, it just makes sense to have food to last for a week or a month for your family and the same amount of water.

Yes it can cost some money to prepare for an emergency but that is what we should be doing. It is the same reason a person buys car or health or life insurance. Because we know we can get in an accident or we can get sick and we know we will die someday. Those insurance policies are to help in those situations. Well preparing for emergencies are like insurance policies as well. If the stock markets crash and the banks close and you can’t get any money out. Just like right now in Greece the folks are limited on how much they can take out of their own accounts each day. A lot of people can’t get enough money to do more than cover housing.

They don’t have enough for food or anything else. Being prepared is the best thing you can do for your family and this article will help you do it in small steps. Getting prepared month by month for a year will be a lot easier than not being prepared at all and it will be easier than trying to buy food and water after the emergency has already happened, especially if you can’t get your money out of the bank when that happens.


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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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