This amazingly delicious Grandma’s homemade basic chicken broth soup is the perfect thing to serve to a loved battling the cold and flu.

Through all of the coughing, runny nose and upset tummy comes the need for a homemade basic chicken broth that is soothing to the throat and easy on a queasy stomach.
LOOK BELOW the ad for the rest of the recipe.
1 chicken quartered
3 1/2 quarts water
1 large carrot
1 medium size onion
1 rib celery
3 sprigs fresh parsley
1 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
You’ll need a heavy 6-quart pot, preferably not aluminum, with a cover.
Put chicken in pot; cover with water.
Cook over medium-high heat until water comes to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer uncovered about 45 minutes, skimming off foam as it rises with a slotted spoon.
Add remaining ingredients and simmer partially covered 1 to 1 1/4 hours longer until chicken is very tender and falls off the bones.
Leave chicken in broth until cool enough to handle. Remove with vegetables, using a slotted spoon.
Discard bones and skin; cover and refrigerate chicken. You should have about 2 1/4 cups of dark and 2 cups of white meat from a 5-pound stewing hen. Wrap vegetables separately.
Strain soup through a fine sieve and refrigerate overnight. Remove fat that has solidified on surface.
Makes about 2 quarts (8 cups).