GardeningGrowing Vanilla Beans in Homesteading Garden Project

Growing Vanilla Beans in Homesteading Garden Project

Growing Vanilla Beans in Homesteading Garden Project takes a bit of time and patience but well worth the effort.

Growing Vanilla Beans in Homesteading Garden Project - Gardening - Homesteading - The Homestead Survival

Vanilla is a flavoring derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla, primarily from the Mexican species, flat-leaved vanilla (V. planifolia). Vanilla is the second-most expensive spice after saffron.

Bourbon-Madagascar vanilla – V. planifolia

Mexican vanilla – V. planifolia

Mexican vanilla – V. tahitiensis

V. planifolia – V. pompona

More and more people these days are starting their own home gardens in the backyard trying to save money on their family food bill. One of the more unique things that are finding their way into backyard gardens in vanilla beans. One reason for this is that genuine vanilla and vanilla extract can be extremely expensive.

This article was designed educate the reader about the benefits of growing vanilla beans in your own garden.

As a vanilla plant takes 3-5 years to bloom, it doesn’t make sense to try to start a plant from seed. You can do an online search for “vanilla bean plants” or “vanilla orchids.”

Vanilla plants prefer good bright light but not hot, noonday sun. However, they won’t grow well or flower in deep shade so partial sun is what they need.

Flowering the Vanilla vine takes a bit of time and patience. Although the flowers are slightly fragrant, it is the vanilla bean pod that follows flowering that is the prize. Plants that are grown in a container need a support and the vine needs to reach a height of 3-5 feet.

The author of the article created it as a way to help other to be able to plant and grow the unique variety of orchid that bears the vanilla bean. By planting, growing and harvesting the vanilla bean anyone can make their own vanilla extract that can be used in a number of different dessert recipes. By growing your own beans you may also save quite a bit of money since genuine vanilla extract can be rather expensive.

You also can reproduce the plant by cutting: they remove sections of the vine with six or more leaf nodes, a root opposite each leaf. The two lower leaves are removed, and this area is buried in loose soil at the base of a support. The remaining upper roots cling to the support, and often grow down into the soil. Growth is rapid under good conditions.

Click here to read about Growing Vanilla Beans in Homesteading Garden Project:

As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Vanilla Bean Peach Jam Super Yummy Canning Recipe”:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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