ArticlesGuide to Getting a cartilage piercing aftercare

Guide to Getting a cartilage piercing aftercare

The ear is a great place to experiment with piercings since it has so much room. There are various different types of piercings available from the earlobe up. A helix piercing is a popular alternative, although it’s also known as a cartilage piercing. This piercing is usually done on the top ear and may be modified with numerous jewelry designs and locations.

A helix is merely cosmetic; there is no medical need to obtain one. If you believe a helix could be right for you, or if you’re thinking of getting one for whatever reason, here’s all you need to know. 

What is a Cartilage Piercing?

Because of its position on the outer ring of your ears, a helix piercing is also known as a cartilage piercing. The forward helix, double helix, triple helix, and anti-helix (or snug) piercings are all versions of the piercing; the difference between them is where they’ve been placed on the ear. 

Time to Heal and Pain

Based on your pain sensitivity, it’s a four to seven on the pain level. Even if it’s merely inserting a needle through the skin, every piercing is actually hurting. Consider your personal pain level as well as the expertise and competence of the piercer to help lessen some of the discomfort.

Healing time for helix piercings is usually three to six months. However, if you don’t properly care for your new piercing as it cures, it may take longer, or you may have to have it re-pierced and begin the process all over again.

The rate at which a wound heals varies from person to person. It might take up to a year for some people to fully recover. 

The price of a helix piercing

The cost of a helix piercing varies widely based on the location of the piercing studio, the skill of the piercer, and the jewelry you choose. However, the average cost is between 30 and 75 dollars. Make sure you choose a piercer based on skills rather than price; don’t pick one just because it’s cheap. 


A helix piercing’s aftercare is as easy as cleansing it twice a day with saline or best piercing aftercare spray. But it’s not the washing that’s the most difficult part of the operation; it’s trying to make sure you do everything you can to prevent aggravating your piercing. Avoid items that might catch on it, such as beanies or headphones, to reduce friction.

If you’re a side sleeper, experts recommend sleeping on the other side of your pierced ear, as resting on a fresh piercing might lead to complications.

It’s also crucial to avoid touching or unsettling your piercing unless absolutely essential, as irritation can lead to inflammation and, in some circumstances, infection. If you need to touch your piercing, do so after washing your hands. 

How to Remove and Replace a Helix Piercing

A helix piercing is simple to repair, but make sure it’s fully healed before attempting to replace the three-to-six-month-old jewelry. The initial alteration should be made with the aid of your piercer, according to the expert, because it’s crucial to be careful to avoid anything going wrong.

Additionally, your piercer may teach you through the procedures of changing out the jewelry, so you feel comfortable doing it on your own. If the piercing is a stud, simply remove the backing, or slightly split the flexible metal ring to slip it out. Then just replace the old one with the new one in the same technique.

If you have any problems, get assistance from your piercing specialist. If the piercing is removed too soon, the hole may seal up.

Heather Jones
Heather Jones
Hello! I'm Heather Jones, a dedicated writer and expert in the fields of DIY projects, home improvement, and emergency preparedness. With over 15 years of hands-on experience, I'm committed to sharing practical tips and tricks to help you make the most out of your home and life.

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