These healing herbal remedies will help treat boils naturally without antibiotics with natural antiseptic, antibacterial and anti inflammation herbs.
Boils are a skin infection that forms a hard pimple when white blood cells come to kill bacteria. Pus is formed under the skin as the battle rages to rid your skin of the harmful bacteria. They are tender to the touch and painful. Boils may appear anywhere on the body such as scalp, underarms, breasts, back, legs and buttocks.
Boils can be formed in a hair follicle, small cut on the skin or a blocked sweat gland.
Some contributing factors that can lead to body forming boils are poor immune system, tight clothing, poor nutrition, exposure to harsh chemicals, diabetes and poor hygiene.
As much as you may want to relieve the pressure of the boil with a needle or by squeezing but don’t do it. Boils that have been popped can spread the infection to nearby areas therefore creating multiple boils.
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