A wonderful warming ginger salve to help sooth and relax sore muscles. This can be used in place of the salve that contains chili pepper for folks that find the chili too irritating to their skin. This ginger salve will give the soothing and warming without the irritation. It also smells fantastic which I think helps your mood as well. Rebecca’s Soap Delicatessen shares this recipe on Soap Deli News. So if you have frequent sore muscles you might want to make some of this awesome salve to have it handy on the days you are aching. Spring is coming and we will all be working outdoors in the gardens again so I know I will probably be needing some of this for my back and legs.

Click here for recipe>>>> http://soapdelinews.com/2015/02/homemade-ginger-salve-recipe-for-sore-muscles.html