Medical & HealthHiking Benefits It is More Than Just a Physical Activity

Hiking Benefits It is More Than Just a Physical Activity

The more people that tend to gravitate toward the inner city living for work and other reasons the more their anxiety levels and instances of depression tend to increase. Fortunately, according to the growing amount of research that this can actually be reversed by simply getting away from it for even just an hour a day. This article was designed to introduce the reader to the benefits of hiking in nature.

Hiking Benefits It is More Than Just a Physical Activity

This informative article is from the Collective Evolution. In the article the author talks about how hiking in the woods can actually change a person’s brain for the better. While most people can see the physical benefits of hiking, but there are also a number of psychological benefits as well. It can help to lower anxiety levels and reverse the effects of constant negative thoughts. Next time you are feeling down or out of sorts why not try going on a hike and see if it helps you feel a little better. If nothing else the fresh air and exercise will do you good.

Benefits of reading Hiking is More Than Just a Physical Activity

Discover that even just a hour of hiking can help cleanse the mind and body.
It goes into detail about how hiking burns more calories per hour than simply running for the same amount of time.
It also explains that it is much less harsh on the joints than most any other physical activity.
It also says that unplugging from technology is one of the keys to the benefit of hiking in nature.

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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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