How to build a Homemade Backyard Waterslide DIY Project is a great way to design some serious fun for children and adults alike. Don’t be shy, get out there and play with your kids – make memories. Simple to build with strong but inexpensive materials.

Get three ten-foot PVC pieces at ¾ inches, three ¾ inch end caps, one ¾ inch PVC drip irrigation adapter, two-¾ inch 90-degree PVC slip elbow, two ¾ inch tee connections, PVC prime and cement, an electric drill, and a PVC cutter. First, construct the PVC sprinkler. Cut one piece of PVC into four equal pieces as they will be the base of the slide. Then, take another piece of PVC and cut them into two equal pieces, as they will be part of the slide. Take the drill and make holes down the line of the remaining PVC pipe, which is then capped at each end. With the PVC cement, attach the joints let them dry before connecting attach the hose.
Now, let’s make the pool. Find or build a slope around the yard, cover the rocky areas with a rug, and lay it over with tarps. Use pins or tent sticks to keep them on the ground and screw landscape stakes to wooden planks every other foot. Make a U-Shape with the wooden planks and attach corner braces while positioning the U at the end of the slope where the tarps are located. Put stakes into the ground to secure the end. Next, unfold plastic sheets to lay over the tarps, down the hill, and overlapping the U. Cut each pool noodle length-wise and put them over the wood to hold the plastic sheets in place.
Simply add water and baby oil to make it slippery and fun.
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