DIY ProjectsHomemade Bright LED Motion Sensor Flashlight DIY Project

Homemade Bright LED Motion Sensor Flashlight DIY Project

Homemade Bright LED Motion Sensor Flashlight DIY Project was designed to introduce the homesteading readers to a unique motion-controlled LED light that can come in quite handy on dark nights when searching for predators trying to attack livestock animals.

Homemade Bright LED Motion Sensor Flashlight DIY Project - The Homestead Survival

Creating your motion sensor LED light using a flashlight and code control system from scratch is an interesting project that you can build using components that can be easily obtained from a number of sources.

This Do It Yourself project was shared with everyone that wants to check out by its creator. Using all of the informing in the article and watching the included video anyone who has some soldering skills should be able to complete the assembly of the whole light system. The project includes both a list of all the items that are needed and a description of all of the necessary steps to put it together.

Materials needed:

N-channel MOSFET ( IRF540N $1.62/10pcs , 30N06, $.1.75/10pcs)

NPN transistor (such as S8085)

3.9 ohm – 2W resistor, the current limited around 0.6/3.9 = 153mA

100kR (1/4W) resistor

push-lock switch

0.5W 8mm LED, $3.18/100pcs

18660 Lithium battery. I salvaged a few of them from a power bank. Laptop battery (4, 6, 8 cells) made from 18650 cell but careful with that stuff.

1 boost up to 12V board, like this one, $0.56

1 lithium charger such as this one, $0.30

The main difference to the circuit above is using a Lithium battery (18660) with boost up board instead of a mock-up 5V power adapter.

All of the information that is included in the article and brief video is presented in a way that makes it really easy to read and understand.

*** Benefits of reading the DIY Project: How to make a LED flashlight with a motion sensor control

* Learn everything you will need to know about in order to build your own motion-controlled LED lights using utilizing a computer controlled circuit

* The project includes a complete listing of all of the necessary components, materials, supplies, and tools that are needed in order to get started

* The project also includes a complete, easy to read and follow step by step instructional guide that covers everything from start to finish

* There are numerous full-color pictures that help to provide the reader with a good visual reference

Click here to read about Homemade Bright LED Motion Sensor Flashlight DIY Project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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