If you have cranberries or if you just love cranberries they are on sale right now so this is a good time to try making some homemade cranberry wine. In this article you will see how to make it starting it off in a fermentation vat (in this case a 55 gallon barrel). Paratus Family Blog shares the recipe and instructions so you can make some of you very own cranberry wine. To their 30 pounds of chopped cranberries and 15 pounds of raisins they add 15 gallons of water along with sugar and other things so I am going to guess you will end up with at least 15 gallons of wine which is a good thing because this takes a while to make. After you leave it for five days in the barrel you transfer it to a demijohn with air lock and ” Rack after a month. Rack once more after 3 months, and then two more times until the wine is clear and approximately 12 months old. Bottle the wine and leave to stand for over 12 months.” So while you will end up with a good quantity of cranberry wine it will be at least a year from now. But you know that old expression, “Good things come to those who wait”

Click here for recipe and instructions>>> http://www.paratusfamiliablog.com/