SewingHomemade Crocheted Fabric Squares Quilt Craft Project

Homemade Crocheted Fabric Squares Quilt Craft Project

Enjoy learning how to make homemade crocheted fabric squares quilt craft project is a beautiful way to blend two hobbies into one great quilt. The soft texture of fabric and soft yarn creates a warm quilt to cuddle under.

Homemade Crocheted Fabric Squares Quilt Craft Project

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For those interested in homesteading, quilts are a great project. Not only are they snuggly and warm throughout the winter months, but they can be customized to your house or your color preference. Sure you can go to the store and pay upwards of 1-hundred dollars for one, but why? If you have the skills and determination to do it yourself you’ll find a great home accessory along with pride in your innovation.

First of all, you want to decide on your design. You can cut your fabric into equal-sized squares and lay it out on the floor or on a large table. Second, you will need batting that is polyester for the backing. Sew the batting on each square and use an applique stitch around all four sides of the border. Be sure to use heavy-duty thread. Thirdly, use a round of double crochet stitches through the applique stitch border you sewed on initially. This makes the border thick and has a great visual appeal to the project when you’re done.

Do the above three steps for all of your squares until they are all completed. Once you’re done, join the blocks with a crochet stitch binding the edgings together. You can leave the edging as-is with the double border, or you can get fancier edging by building another crocheted row in addition to the original. You’ll love the project and the fun thing is that you can get your material from old clothing that you repurposed for added homesteader innovation.

Click here to read about how to make homemade crocheted fabric squares quilt craft project:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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