You can make these delicious dill pickles with garlic and enjoy them for a few months with canning anything. They stay crunchy because they are never cooked. After they are in jars you leave them sit on the counter for a couple of days and then they go in the fridge and will keep for months, if they go bad and I have never had any go bad (even after a whole year) or smell funny then you would throw them out. The recipe only makes four quarts so if you make spears and slices then you can have spears with sandwiches and slices for burgers. This recipe calls for only 2 cloves of garlic per quart but I like to add 5 or 6 because we all love the pickled garlic.

These will stay nice and crunchy and they are super easy to make so there really is no need to can pickles at my house. I can make 4 or 8 quarts and they last us just about a year and then summer is here again and I make more. The Creekside Cook shares this recipe. If you are growing green beans this year or if you would like to have some green bean fridge pickles, you can make them too. Green Bean Refrigerator Pickles Recipe – Quick & Crisp, They are really good in salads or just as a nice cold snack on a hot summer day. I really like making fridge pickles because I don’t have to heat up the house so much and its a lot less work.