Homemade Healing Aloe Vera Juice for Skin Hair & Nails was designed to introduce the reader to a recipe for making a beneficial juice that can be used on the skin and hair to bring back the youthful appearance of both when applied directly.

The Aloe Vera plant has long been thought to be the source of so much better and it is often referred to as the plant of immortality. The reason is for this is that it has numerous beneficial compounds found within the gel-like substance found inside the plant.
This article and the recipe inside for the aloe vera juice were shared with everyone as a way to help educate the reader about the many wonderful and medicinal uses of the aloe vera plant.
The recipe for the aloe vera juice that is included describes all of the things that are necessary to make the juice and even has a step by step tutorial that explains how to make it for yourself.

You will need Fresh aloe vera leaves, a sharp knife, honey and a blender
Prepare healing beauty mask with aloe vera gel for skin and hair
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of coconut oil
1/2 cup of transparent small chucks of aloe vera gel from the center of the leaves
Pour the transparent small chucks of aloe vera gel into the blender.
Blend all ingredients for one minute into a liquid mixture.
Apply to hair and skin for 20 minutes…. then jump in the shower and rinse throughly.
*** Benefits of reading the Homemade Remedies: How to make Homemade Healing Aloe Vera Juice for Skin Hair & Nails
~ Discover how easy it is to make your own aloe vera juice that has so many healthy uses for your body
~ The article includes a recipe for make a medicinal juice using gel-like substance inside the plant and other ingredients and supplies
~ The recipe also includes a complete, easy to read and follow step by step preparation guide that covers everything from start to finish
~ There are numerous full-color pictures that are included in order to provide a good visual reference of the recipe
Click here to read about how to make a batch of Homemade Healing Aloe Vera Juice for skin, hir and nails: