CanningHomemade Hot Pepper Relish Canning Old Fashioned Recipe

Homemade Hot Pepper Relish Canning Old Fashioned Recipe

This Homemade Hot Pepper Relish Canning Old Fashioned Recipe is a delicious hot and spicy relish perfect to spread on hot dogs, hamburgers, on crackers, mixed in scrambled eggs, and even tacos.

Homemade Hot Pepper Relish Canning Old Fashioned Recipe - The Homestead Survival - Food Storage


Canning Pot

Pint Wide Mouth Mason Jars, Lids and Rings




Translation: Sweet means “Bell Peppers”

twelve sweet green peppers

twelve sweet red peppers

Twelve large onions

Six hot peppers

One quart vinegar

Two cups sugar

Four tablespoons salt




1. Peel, de-seed and dice peppers and onions and cover just enough with boiling water. Let the pot with diced vegetables stand in the hot water for 15 minutes (turn stove burner off) then drain water out.

2. Add vinegar, sugar, and salt into a large saucepan, heat mixture to a boil.

3. Add drained vegetables into the mixture and boil all together five minutes.

4. Spoon into sterilized wide-mouth pint mason jars and water-bath canning process for 10 minutes.


Here is another more modern recipe along the same lines…..

Click here to read about Canning Bell Pepper Relish Recipe:

christina b
christina b
Hi, I'm Christina B, your go-to source for all things related to sustainable living and homesteading. Unlike your typical environmentalist, I bring a unique blend of scientific rigor and artistic creativity to the table. My mission is to challenge conventional wisdom and offer fresh, innovative perspectives on how to live a greener, more self-sufficient life.

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