DIY ProjectsHomemade Kukri Style Bowie Knife Blacksmith DIY Project

Homemade Kukri Style Bowie Knife Blacksmith DIY Project

Homemade Kukri Style Bowie Knife Blacksmith DIY Project is detailed in a step by step tutorial in creating a tool that can be use on your homestead for generations to come.

Homemade Kukri Style Bowie Knife Blacksmith DIY Project - The Homestead Survival

There are many different style knives that have very distinct looks and feel that draw people to them and the Kukri Bowie Knife is one of them. Its unique handle and distinctly curved blade give it the look of power, strength.

This project was designed to introduce the reader to DIY project that can show them how with some blacksmithing knowledge and some hard work, you can turn a hunk of metal into a great looking knife.

Materials List:

1. Spring steel

2. Brass for handle

3. Cooper for handle

4. Brazilian Ipe wood

5. Glow in dark casting

6. Micarta

7. Mosaic pins ( you can replace them with rivets if you don’t have because they come quite expensive)

8. Two part epoxy

9. Sandpaper from size 60, 80, 120, 150, 220, 320, 400, 600 and then with 1000 grit

10. Buffing compound

~~ Tools Required:

1. Angle grinder

2. Bench drill

2. Flap wheel

3. Cutting wheel

4. Grinding wheel

5. Buffing wheel

6. Forge (How to build your own coal Forge )

7. Sledgehammer

8. Vise (rotating vice is best)

9. Anvil( the hammer and anvil required only in that case if you are using not too wide material and going to make a curved knife like I did. Since I didn’t get right material that’s why I use hammer and anvil to get my desired shape)

10. Needle files

11. Knife filling jig

12. Flat and half round file

13. Flexible scale

This Do It Yourself project and fully downloadable plan contains all of the information you will need to turn a plain hunk of metal into a great looking Kukri Style Bowie Knife. The plan is well put together and makes it easy to follow all of the steps and the list of things that you will need is rather extensive. However, in the end, and with some hard work, you will be rewarded with a great looking knife.

~ Benefits of reading the DIY Project: Making a homemade Kukri Style Bowie Knife

● Discover how you make your own homemade authentic Kukri Bowie Knife in your own shop

● The project and plan include a complete listing of all of the materials, supplies, and tools that you will need to have on hand in order to get started

● There is also a complete, easy to read step by step instructional guide that covers everything you need to do from start to finish

● You will also find many full-color pictures inside that help to provide a good visual reference of the project

Click here to read about Homemade Kukri Style Bowie Knife Blacksmith DIY Project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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