This Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent with Fabric Softener Frugal Recipe will clean your clothes effectively, inexpensive ingredients and it lasts a long way.

1 cup – Baking soda
1 cup – Washing Soda (Click here to buy from Amazon)
1/2 cup – Borax (Click here to buy from Amazon)
1/2 cup – Rock salt
2/3 cup – Epsom salt
1/2 bar – Fels Naptha Bar Soap (Click here to buy from Amazon)
Essential oils to preference
In a large blender, combine all the ingredients in the above ratios and blend until a fine powder. Rock salt blends better, but water filter salt is far cheaper.
If making multiple batches (the pictured amount of ingredients made 4 batches at the specified ratios, and then plenty more) combine in a bowl and stir all batches together to blend. Or don’t, no harm done.
Use 1 Tablespoon per load as a Main Wash, and 1/2 Tablespoon per load as a Pre-Wash.
Costs about $.06/load, and the “worst” ingredient in it is Borax, which, while slightly harmful if snorted, is still a natural ingredient.
We’ve been using variants of this recipe for years. I’ve washed dog blankets, towels, floor mats, sh*tty rags used to clean up dog messes, and every other dirty thing I could think of.
No smell, no stains, and the salt has a nice softening effect on clothes.
To do your own research, visit the EWG’s website and look up your current laundry detergent vs. these ingredients. The EWG assigns Letter Grades to cleaning/household products. All your standard detergents Fail, miserably. Whereas the lowest scoring item in this detergent is the Borax, which gets a ‘C’. Everything else (sodas, salts, etc.) gets an ‘A’.
Costs far less. Cleans just as well. Not harmful.
Easy choice, IMO…
Try this recipe for a month, then try to use regular detergent and you will see the difference.
Thank you, Mike Griffith for your amazing guest post and you can find more of his knowledge based videos on Youtube at “The Warrior Homesteader” channel.