CompostingHomemade Milk Crate Garden Composter Project

Homemade Milk Crate Garden Composter Project

This homemade milk crate garden composter project is a great way to repurpose salvaged items into a useful gardening tool that create nourishing soil enrichment matter. Composting is extremely popular with the homesteaders, farmers and the serious backyard gardeners. This is because the resulting material makes the ultimate soil amendment and of course it does not cost extra money.

Homemade Milk Crate Garden Composter Project

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One of the secrets of a good composter is the container you chose to put it in. If you are limited on space to put one, this Do It Yourself project is probably right up your alley. It is an easy to do project and explains in great detail all that you need to have on hand to get started. The design of the stacking style composter has all of the elements necessary for this type of composter.

Benefits of reading and following the Milk Crate Composter (Vertically Stacked) DIY Project

● Use it to get started with composting on budget

● The project includes a complete list of all the necessary materials and supplies needed

● It includes an easy to follow step by step instruction guide to the completion

● It also has several full color photos that depict some of the steps

Materials needed:

3 milk crates
plastic or metal mesh/screen, or weed barrier fabric
hot glue gun
screws (preferably rust proof)
old drawer handles

That’s because composting is basically the breaking down of organic matter by helpful bacteria which is then added to soil. By mixing the nutrient dense amended into the soil will help your plants to be healthier and produce more.

Click here to read about homemade milk crate garden composter project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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