Natural Beauty RecipesHomemade Natural Soothing Baby Wipes Solution

Homemade Natural Soothing Baby Wipes Solution

This homemade natural soothing baby wipes solution is made from frugal ingredients you may already have around home. Gentle and soothing to a baby’s bottom or to clean skin.

Homemade Natural Soothing Baby Wipes Solution

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Mothers are naturally known to be resourceful, creative and realistic. As a matter of fact, it’s always fun seeing them in action, especially when it comes to raising babies. But despite all these, diapering is one area, many have failed to explore. If you are looking to provide your baby with the comfort he or she deserves without itching their sensitive skin, here is what you need to know.

Obviously, it’s a little silly spending lots of money to wipe bottoms. You surely want to put the gentlest things on the delicate skin of the precious small people in your life. Homemade baby wipes basically serve two main purposes; they are health and frugality. Some good features about making your own baby wipes are that you can customize the solution to suit your baby’s skin, save loads of money and control the ingredients.

Ingredients you will need to gather:

1 roll of heavy duty paper towels “Bounty”

Emptied and clean plastic red Folger’s coffee plastic container

filtered water

pure aloe vera

Witch Hazel Extract

Liquid Castille Soap

Grapefruit Seed Extract

2 capsules of Vitamin E (optional)

Olive or Almond Oil (coconut oil works as well)

When it comes to making your own wipes, a diaper wipe solution will be required to moisten them. As a matter of fact, to enjoy some beneficial properties, you will require some essential oils, an old for nourishing, and a little soap for cleansing. With these few simple ingredients, you can easily make your own wipes and also eliminate the use of chemicals on your baby’s precious skin.

Click here to read about this homemade natural soothing baby wipes solution:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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