Wild Food ForagingHomemade Pine Needle Tree Syrup Delicious Recipe - Wild Food Foraging

Homemade Pine Needle Tree Syrup Delicious Recipe – Wild Food Foraging

This Homemade Pine Needles Tree Syrup Delicious Recipe should be made by every homesteading family cook that is striving to be self sufficient and frugal. Try different edible trees besides just Pine trees….. You can also try Spruce, Balsam Fir or Douglas Fir. Each tree is a delicious flavor that your family will find finger licking good.

This is wild food foraging (another name is wild crafting) even if you only have to go as far as your backyard to pick pine needles (leaves).

Homemade Pine Needle Tree Syrup Delicious Recipe - Wild Food Foraging - Homesteading - Frugal Free Food

Homemade Pine Needle Syrup Recipe:


1 cup Filtered Water

1/2 cup chopped Pines Needle Leaves

1 cup Sugar (OR 1/2 cup Honey) The great thing about honey, is you only need half the amount. But only choose one, either Sugar or Honey but not both.


1. Chop finely 1/2 cup of Pine Needle Leaves

2. Add Water, Sugar and chopped Pine Needle Leaves into the saucepan

3. Bring saucepan mixture to a rolling boilfor 3 minutes. Remove from heat.

4. Cover with a lid and let it steep overnight. Do not uncover to peek.

5. Strain mixture through a cheesecloth and keep liquid syrup. Compost the spent Pine needles leaves.

6. Use a funnel and pour Pine Syrup into a mason jar. Cover with a lid. Refrigrate Syrup.

7. You can bring to room temperature if you want a smooth pour before using.


Spring is best for finding fresh new growth leaf (needles) tips which makes them more flavorful but the great thing is, you can harvest leaves (needles) year round.

All Pines, Spruces and Firs trees have edible needles. The inner bark and Pine nuts can be eaten as food also. A spoonful of chopped Pine needles can be steeped in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes to make Pine Needle Tea, which is a Vitamin C powerhouse (one cup of tea containing as much as 5 times your daily requirement).

All yews are poisonous, and can look like some of the above, so be careful you have identified the tree correctly! Yew is a common name given to various species of trees. The name is most prominently given to any of various coniferous trees and shrubs in the genus Taxus. Toxicity- All parts of a yew plant are toxic to humans, due to taxine alkaloids, with the exception of the yew berries (however, their seeds are toxic).


DO NOT EAT – Ponderosa Pine, Yew Tree, Australian Pine, Norfolk Island Pine and Hemlock are all poisonous when ingested.


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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