DIY ProjectsHomemade Portable 5 Gallon Bucket Air Conditioner

Homemade Portable 5 Gallon Bucket Air Conditioner

This step by step tutorial of how to build a homemade portable 5 gallon bucket air conditioner do it yourself.

You can now beat the heat of the searing sun through your bucket air conditioner. You can now find relief whenever and wherever you need a cooling system. It would be more comfortable for you to work under the sun since you can stay and keep yourself cool with the help of this homemade air conditioning system. This can also serve as a temporary replacement for the installed cooling system if it happen to be not functional at some point.

You just have to make sure that your portable bucket air conditioner can tolerate continuous usage since it can over heat once you have exceeded the maximum tolerable time that it can be of use. You also need to keep it away from children and dogs, you have to secure it in a right place when not in use. You should see to it that the portable fan won’t be in contact with water so keep it from nearby source of water within the household. For safety purposes, you need to use frozen bottled water instead of using ice cubes.

You can make a portable bucket air conditioner right at the comfort of your own home. You may also want to consider its purpose so you can put some add ons on the bucket air conditioner if necessary. You may want to list the essential things that you would need then you can outline the step by step process then start making your very own do it yourself portable bucket air conditioner.

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Homemade Portable 5 Gallon Bucket Air Conditioner
Homemade Portable 5 Gallon Bucket Air Conditioner

Now that you are fully aware that you can make a homemade bucket AC and you now know how to keep in use for a longer time, you can now keep your cool under the sun without a sweat.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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