DIY ProjectsHomemade River Rock Mosaic Stepping Stones

Homemade River Rock Mosaic Stepping Stones

This homemade river rock mosaic stepping stones step by step tutorial are inexpensive to make and truly a beautiful addition to your garden green space. There are a number of ways you can brighten up your walkways throughout your yards as you work on the landscaping around your home. One of those ways is to make your own beautiful stepping stones that grace your garden walkways.

Even if you are not the craftiest person, you may find that making your own stepping stones is the way to go. You make them relatively easy without needing a ton of supplies or even a lot of expertise to make them gorgeous.

Homemade River Rock Mosaic Stepping Stones

Materials and tools need for project:

Rapid Set Concrete Mix
Shovel – mix your concrete wit
Wheelbarrow (to mix concrete in)
Rocks of all different sizes, shapes and colors
Latex gloves – to stop the concrete from drying out your hands
2×4’s nailed into a box shape to create a form – add a sheet of plywood 3 inches wider than your form underneath

This tutorial has figured out a creative way to used elements of nature (rocks) to decorate stepping stones. Pressing rocks into poured cement has a second function beyond being beautiful, it creates a texture tread to safely walk upon. You just want something that works with your budget and by gathering stones you can build a stockpile of stones.

As long as you have a steady hand and have a design in mind, you can make several stepping stones in a matter of hours with the nicest looking outcomes for your stones. You will be using rapid set concrete so you will want to set all your stones rapidly within 30 minutes. You will not want to dally too long over your design after the concrete has been poured. But if you have to, use a spray bottle with water to mist your stepping stone to slow down the set.

To make the most of your stepping stones, you will want your ideas drawn out prior to making up your batches of cement. Once you have them, it is just a matter of getting the necessary materials from your molds to mixers and getting down to it to make the best stepping stones with the easiest to follow instructions you will find below.

Click here to read about homemade river rock mosaic stepping stones diy project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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