For those nights when you are tossing and turning and just can’t fall asleep here is a recipe for a homemade salve that you can rub on your feet and it will calm and relax you so you can get some sleep.
Popsugar share the recipe and it is a lovely blend of oils like coconut and essential oils that you put in the salve and when you rub the salve on your feet Popsugar says “The larger pores in your feet allow the essential oils to quickly absorb and flow through the body, helping you relax. Or massage into hands, sore muscles, or even your temples for instant calm”. I will be making some of this because I have trouble sleeping often. I am thinking the salve would probably help soften and moisturize the feet as well. You could also try this…Can’t Fall Back Asleep? “Sleepy Dust”, for when you do get to sleep but keep waking up.