DIY ProjectsHomemade Screened Pest Cover for Raised Garden Beds

Homemade Screened Pest Cover for Raised Garden Beds

This homemade screened pest cover for raised garden beds will show you how this amazing cover is the perfect companion for your backyard raised bed gardening boxes. The cover material was chosen so that it allowed the air and sun to pass through, but will not allow the damaging the pests to penetrate the cover.

Homemade Screened Pest Cover for Raised Garden Beds

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Raised garden beds are considered by many as the best type of backyard gardening methods. This is mainly because they don’t require you to tear up and prepare the ground in order to be able to get started. Another reason is they are normally high enough off the ground so that you don’t need to kneel down in order to work the soil. Unfortunately, the raised beds are still not better at keeping out the pests from destroying your plants. However, there is an option that you can use and it is called a pest cover.

Benefits of reading and following the Homemade Screened Pest Cover for Raised Garden Beds project

● Make your very own protective cover for your raised garden bed

● The project includes a complete listing of all the materials, supplies and tools needed

● Also has an easy to read and understand step by step instruction guide

● You will also find numerous full color photos depicting many stages of the construction

Click here to read about homemade screened pest cover for raised garden beds:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.


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