Essential OilsHomemade Shower Cough and Decongestant Drops

Homemade Shower Cough and Decongestant Drops

This homemade shower cough and decongestant drops is made with essential oils to open lung and nasal passages inside a steamy warm shower. This inexpensive recipe uses natural healing properties in the essential oils to break up and release built up mucus – allowing you to breathe more freely.

 Homemade Shower Cough and Decongestant Drops

One of the most troubling and annoying symptoms often associated with the common cold is chest congestion and the cough that goes along with it. The congestion can make it difficult to breath and the coughing often leads to sleepless nights. Most prescription and over the counter medications have side effects due to many of the ingredients commonly found in them. Many people have sought out holistic and home remedies in order to relieve congestion and calm the coughing.

● Provides a natural way to relieve your families congestion symptoms

● The DIY article provides step by step instructions on how to make the drops

● It includes a detailed step by step directions on how to make it and use it

● Includes several full color images that depict several steps

Home remedies solutions to common household issues by way of all natural methods is definitely a great alternative. Many of these alternatives are quite easy to follow and cost much less than the OTC and prescription medicines. Along with being cheaper they are also much safer since they are made from all natural ingredients.

Click here to read about how to make a homemade shower cough and decongestant drops recipe:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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