Poop, we all do it and for some of us it is a major stink fest. For the people that have this issue it can be hard on the folks around them, weather family at home or co-workers and friends. No one really wants to leave a stink bomb in the bathroom, especially if someone else shares that bathroom. There is a product that you can buy to block the smell from the toilet after use.
The commercial product is a little bit pricey, but Happy Money Saver has figured out how to make a homemade stinky toilet bomb spray with essential oils and shares the instructions so now anyone can make their own spray.
You spray the water in the bowl before sitting down and it creates a barrier so when you go the stink stays below the barrier and gets flushed away. This is great because now when you have to go at work you can without letting the entire building know you went. No one can control the smells their stomach makes but now you can at least control who has to smell them.
For that one person at work I would suggest maybe a gift basket on a birthday with an assortment of items and one could be a bottle of homemade spray, or if there is a bulletin board perhaps print out the recipe for the homemade spray and hang it there.
Not sure exactly how to get the message to them but I would never want to offend or embarrass someone by just straight out saying something.

Click here for instructions>>> http://happymoneysaver.com/whats-smell-diy-poo-pourri-pennies/