HomesteadingHomemade Tire Roof Shingles and How To Install

Homemade Tire Roof Shingles and How To Install

This homemade tire roof shingles and how to install them tutorial is a frugal option for homesteaders that are ready for another option.

Homemade Tire Roof Shingles and How To Install

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. You can ensure this works to your advantage by taking a bust tire that has been thrown out and using it for your roofing shingles DIY project. Using used tires to make your roof is an excellent idea because rubber is waterproof. In this article you will learn a DIY project on how to use recycled tires as roofing materials.

Recycled tire roofing shingles are an innovative material for roofing that helps homeowners save money (as trying to purchase readymade rubber for roofing on popular platforms like Craigslist and Ebay would entail spending several hundreds or even thousands of dollars) apart from saving the environment.

Built from recycled tires, the roofing shingles (made after this DIY project) are more durable and eco-friendly than the traditional wooden or slate roofing styles.

Materials for Shingles:

Car Tires

Sharp Razor Blades

Materials for Roof:

3/4″ Plywood sheets

8ft 2″x4″


Miscellaneous wood

This recycled tire roofing shingles DIY project is easy to complete with the right materials besides the use of used tires. The project shows the method you can use to cut a tire part so as to make a tire shingle.

It addresses the positives and negatives of using recycled tire shingles, along with the weight considerations of the home to be roofed with tire shingles and steps on how to install the shingles. See the tutorial below.

We all know that used tires are thrown out daily and someone has to dispose or make use of them…. let your homestead benefit.

Click here to read about how to make homemade tire roof shingles and how to install them:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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