For a perfect summer meal that won’t heat up the kitchen try these delicious tostadas topped with shrimp ceviche. Ceviche is seafood that is not cooked with heat but rather it is cooked with the acid of citrus fruit. This recipe calls for lime juice to cook the shrimp but you can also use lemon juice so it is more of a decision of which flavor do you prefer, lemon or lime.

I like both so when I make ceviche I go with which ever one is cheaper since the shrimp usually isn’t. You can make ceviche with fish instead of shrimp but most of the time fish isn’t musch cheaper than shrimp so I try to buy extra shrimp when I find a decent sale and freeze some for another ceviche dinner somewhere down the road. This is such a great dish to make when the summer temps are hot and you want something cool and light. If you have a garden then you may have most of the ingredients right in the back yard. You will need cucumber, onion, tomato, jalapeno, cilantro and avocado if you want some on top. Even the ingredients sound really good, like a super fresh salad but then you add in the shrimp and the whole thing is over the top in fresh flavor. The shrimp has the citrus flavor on it and all the fresh veggies, makes you feel as if you are eating summer time. If you like seafood you should give this recipe a try. I wash You Dry shares the recipe and it really is a summer favorite at my house. We had tostadas with shrimp ceviche 4 or 5 times this summer. It helps that the dish is made with diced up shrimp because you don’t need as much of the expensive stuff as you would if you were serving the shrimp whole.