If your or someone in your house is allergic to dairy products or just avoid dairy products but would still like to eat cheese sometimes check out this recipe for vegan cheese that you can make at home. It is made with a base of cashews so as long as you can eat cashews you can probably eat vegan cheese. This one is a pub cheddar with chives. Christy Grecsek shared it with Cheesemaking Help who shared it with everyone. It takes a few steps to make and doesn’t look all that complicated. But there are times to wait so it won’t be done in a day.
For anyone allergic to dairy I would say it is probably worth the effort to make just to have some cheese on crackers. I know there are vegan cheeses at the store but almost everything tastes better when its homemade. This recipe also has beer in it which I guess is the reason its called pub cheddar. It looks like she got the recipe from the book Artisan Vegan Cheese. If you want to make vegan cheese at home you might like to check the book out at the library or purchase a copy of it.

Read more>>>> http://cheesemakinghelp.blogspot.com/search/label/Vegan%20Cheese