ChickensHomesteading Chicken Coop Tractor for Chickens

Homesteading Chicken Coop Tractor for Chickens

How to build a Homesteading Chicken Coop Tractor for Chickens is detailed in step by step tutorial with free plans so generously shared.

Homesteading Chicken Coop Tractor for Chickens

Get a mitre saw and cut a 2×3 lumber, as well as 5 inches off the ends of each piece of PVC conduit. With wire cutters, snip two pieces of 9-foot, 7-inch wire mesh. With a circular saw, cut the plywood, but not the arch; that will be dealt with later. With the 2x2x8, measure out and saw off 2 inches from both ends and another 33 inches from each end. Notch the exact middle of the PVC conduit and pre-drill holes through the PVC conduit. Construct the pieces with 3.5” drywall screws.

Lay the pre-cut lengths of wire mesh over the PVC/2×2 frame and attach the mesh pieces together with small zip ties. Make a 2.5-inch cut in the four corners of the mesh and 1.5-inch cut from the ends. Curve the mesh into an arch-shape and thrust the ends into the frame. Drill holes through the PVC and screw it in with 3” drywall screws. Then, take the four pieces of 2×3 that have been cut at a 45 degree angle and put them along the inside corners of the frame as support.

~* You will need:

3 4×8 sheets of ¼” plywood

11 2x3x8 lumber

1 2x2x8 lumber

4 10-foot lengths of ¾ in PVC conduit

1 20-foot roll of 48” wide mesh (your choice)

1 5’ length of 1×6 (or similar) for ramp

9 hinges (many types possible)

6 heavy duty eye bolts (many types possible)

6 sturdy s-hooks

3 small turnbuckles

1 box 3.5” drywall screws

1 box 1” drywall screws

1 case small zip-ties (or just use wire.)

fasteners for lid, front door, and run end

~* Recommended additionals:

– “PetScreen” to line lower edge of run

– Cup hooks and eye screws for securing removable ramp

-2 feet of lightweight chain


– decorative floor vent-covers for side vents in coop

– paint

~* Necessary Tools:

Power drill

Bit for pre-drilling screw holes

Bit for pre-drilling eye bolt holes

Phillips head screwdriver bit

Mitre saw


Wire Snippers

Tape measure


Friend (some assembly requires 2 sets of hands!)

Optional (to make straight lines easier to cut):

Circular saw

Holding an uncut sheet of plywood against one end, draw the arch and saw with a jigsaw. Connect the plywood door to the frame with hinges and use closure on the top part of the arch to the end of the 2×2. Next, insert a 48” and 42” angled piece of 2×3 next to each other on the ground. Lay one of the coop sides over them and align with the edges. With 1.5-inch screws, screw the pieces together in two different places.

That completes one side; now, repeat the construction with the other side.

Click here to read about How to build a Homesteading Chicken Coop Tractor for Chickens :×10-tractor.47785/


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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