How to build a Homesteading Chicken Coop Tractor for Chickens is detailed in step by step tutorial with free plans so generously shared.
Get a mitre saw and cut a 2×3 lumber, as well as 5 inches off the ends of each piece of PVC conduit. With wire cutters, snip two pieces of 9-foot, 7-inch wire mesh. With a circular saw, cut the plywood, but not the arch; that will be dealt with later. With the 2x2x8, measure out and saw off 2 inches from both ends and another 33 inches from each end. Notch the exact middle of the PVC conduit and pre-drill holes through the PVC conduit. Construct the pieces with 3.5” drywall screws.
Lay the pre-cut lengths of wire mesh over the PVC/2×2 frame and attach the mesh pieces together with small zip ties. Make a 2.5-inch cut in the four corners of the mesh and 1.5-inch cut from the ends. Curve the mesh into an arch-shape and thrust the ends into the frame. Drill holes through the PVC and screw it in with 3” drywall screws. Then, take the four pieces of 2×3 that have been cut at a 45 degree angle and put them along the inside corners of the frame as support.
~* You will need:
3 4×8 sheets of ¼” plywood
11 2x3x8 lumber
1 2x2x8 lumber
4 10-foot lengths of ¾ in PVC conduit
1 20-foot roll of 48” wide mesh (your choice)
1 5’ length of 1×6 (or similar) for ramp
9 hinges (many types possible)
6 heavy duty eye bolts (many types possible)
6 sturdy s-hooks
3 small turnbuckles
1 box 3.5” drywall screws
1 box 1” drywall screws
1 case small zip-ties (or just use wire.)
fasteners for lid, front door, and run end
~* Recommended additionals:
– “PetScreen” to line lower edge of run
– Cup hooks and eye screws for securing removable ramp
-2 feet of lightweight chain
– decorative floor vent-covers for side vents in coop
– paint
~* Necessary Tools:
Power drill
Bit for pre-drilling screw holes
Bit for pre-drilling eye bolt holes
Phillips head screwdriver bit
Mitre saw
Wire Snippers
Tape measure
Friend (some assembly requires 2 sets of hands!)
Optional (to make straight lines easier to cut):
Circular saw
Holding an uncut sheet of plywood against one end, draw the arch and saw with a jigsaw. Connect the plywood door to the frame with hinges and use closure on the top part of the arch to the end of the 2×2. Next, insert a 48” and 42” angled piece of 2×3 next to each other on the ground. Lay one of the coop sides over them and align with the edges. With 1.5-inch screws, screw the pieces together in two different places.
That completes one side; now, repeat the construction with the other side.
Click here to read about How to build a Homesteading Chicken Coop Tractor for Chickens :×10-tractor.47785/