These Homesteading Life Hacks That Will Save You Time and Money and hopefully make your life a bit easier. Life is hectic and we never can seem to make enough money for our needs. We need to work SMARTER not HARDER.

Life can get hectic and so being efficient has become more important now than ever before. Try out these life hacks to make the most out of your day.
If you’re having trouble with cleaning up your cheese grater, this makes it super easy! (Simply Shellie)
Want whiter teeth ? Gently rub the inside of a banana peel around on your teeth for two minutes. The minerals will absorb into your teeth and brighten them.
Need a great hack for cleaning out the toilet bowl? Learn more about the hack over at (Life PreKarious)
Having trouble falling asleep ? Try the 4-7-8 technique. 4 seconds inhale, 7 seconds hold and 8 seconds release…. and repeat. It really works.
If you’re someone who has both a big fan along with an air filter, try out this hack for a made at home air purifier. Courtesy of (Ms. Not So Perfect)
Have a bunch of old crusty paintbrushes laying around the homestead ? Toss them in a bowl of vinegar for 30 minutes. They will be as good as new in no time.
Looking for specific types of movies and can’t find them? Try out these Netflix Codes to find some neat stuff. (Play Pennies)
A person usually makes a lot of hand gestures when recounting a true story. When a person is telling a LIE, a person’s hands will generally stay still.
Cords can be an eyesore and get in the way. Try out this trick to hide them all in cute shoe boxes. (Wrapped In Rust)
If a piece of clothing shirks, put it into a sink full of very cold water and add hair conditioner (good size gloop) It will return clothing to normal size. Rinse then hang dry. Do not put in dryer.
To create some ambiance in the bathroom try out this strategy here. (The Chic Site)
If you need an extra hand in the kitchen, consider a hanger to hold up recipe book while having plenty of counter top space.
Less than desirable sewing skills? You can make a great skirt to hide toys using this trick without using a sewing machine. (Differentiated Kindergarten)
A simple hack: cook bacon via a waffle maker. Reasons justified right here. (One Good Thing by Jillee)
Trouble cutting your pancakes? Try a pizza cutter. (Cook and Craft Me Crazy)
A great way to clean a shower head is to use vinegar. Learn more about it from The (Melrose Family)
Use a knife to slice a pint of ice cream into the perfect Cookie Sandwich – slices of frozen ice cream wedged between warm cookies ! (Ben & Jerry)