HomesteadingHomesteading For Seniors Can Be Dangerous

Homesteading For Seniors Can Be Dangerous

Homesteading can be dangerous for seniors. While homesteading is making a big come back in this country and is not too bad for the young, older people will be more challenged and chores and skills even if life long will become more difficult as we age. In the current modern times, the idea of homesteading is either not known at all, is found awkward or sometimes, laughed at. However, even in the present fast paced society, there are still people who don’t want to entirely depend on technology and do daily stuff the old way.

Homesteading For Seniors Can Be Dangerous

Homesteading is fun for those who are quite tired of technology taking over so many aspects of our daily life. technology has made us cut down many barriers but humans are gradually losing touch with nature. Homesteading is much more common in the rural regions or countryside but some enthusiasts tend to live the old way even in the heart of big cities. Growing fruits and vegetables, using fireplaces and wood, and surrounding oneself with nature are common parts of homesteading. Homesteading requires a lot of energy and seems amazing while you are young.

As we age though, we don’t move as quick and sometimes our joints hurt and prevent the absolute mobility of our younger days. These losses can make normal things we may have done all out life a little unsafe. Seniors who have been homesteading since a young age would know that the tasks can become increasingly difficult with age. Homesteading can also be quite risky to the safety of old people. In this article from Mother Earth News, Bruce McElmurray, talks about homesteading and seniors. He is 75 years old and discusses the topic from his own experience.


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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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