DIY ProjectsHomesteading Woodshed Smokehouse DIY Project

Homesteading Woodshed Smokehouse DIY Project

This homesteading woodshed smokehouse diy project is detailed in this step by step tutorial. Smoking meat, fish and cheeses just adds an amazingly delicious flavor throughout. Once you get into smoking meat low and slow… regular meat is just boring.

Homesteading Woodshed Smokehouse DIY Project

For those who live outside within the woods or on a farm, having a smokehouse to cure up any meat is good. It comes in various ways, but here, a closet can be converted into a smokehouse right outside. It does not have to be big and it is as good as a regular built smokehouse.

Get the following for the conversion: 2 sheets of ½” plywood, 12 2×4’s at 8-feet long, 6 gate hinges, 2 handles and a latch, exterior screws, and roofing that measures at 48” x 26.5.” The width to the entire smokehouse is 48 inches, the height at its peak is 76 5/8,” the height at the second peak is at 70 3/8,” and the length of the roof is 26 1/4.”

First, build two side panels with 1-1/2″ holes for 2-1/2″ screws. Drill in the holes on the outside on both frames. Then, use 2 x 4 – 44” pieces to connect the two frames. It can be attached with the same holes and screws; note that the top of the frame should not be longer than the sides. Add the roof by screwing it in. Nail in the boards to formally enclose the smokehouse, or use adhesive. The same goes with the doors; make sure they fit in the openings and add hinges to each door. Any open holes left should be filled with wood filler and dry.

Once it is all dry, sand the whole thing to smooth it out and vacuum the residue left from it. Maybe, even coat it for extra protection.

Like that, a smokehouse for meats and fish is ready to use.

Click here to read about how to build a homesteading woodshed smokehouse diy project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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