Hot Chocolate Peppermint Candy Cane Stirrers Recipe are made with different flavors of chocolates, candy crumbles, sprinkles and mini marshmallows….. all to be dunked and swirled in a mug of hot chocolate.

The holiday season brings out the creativity in homesteading people when it comes to decorating the house and when it comes to special and unique homemade beverage treats.
With Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years holidays all falling in the colder winter months, hot chocolate is one of the most popular winter drinks.
This article was designed to introduce unique candy cane hot chocolate stirrers with a delicious twist.
The author of the article and recipe was designed to help homesteading readers to be able to make hot chocolate stirrers with a delicious chocolate and candy sprinkles and other flavors.
The recipe describes all of the necessary ingredients and other necessary things that are needed to make an interesting winter treat. All of the information is presented in a way that makes it really easy to understand.
Peppermint Candy Canes
Chocolate Chips (Meltable)
Mini Marshmallows
Chocolate bar shavings
Click here to read about Hot Chocolate Peppermint Candy Cane Stirrers Recipe: