Natural RemediesHow Exercise Changes Your Brain for the Better

How Exercise Changes Your Brain for the Better

How exercise changes your brain for the better will is an explantion of how to keep your mind sharp.

How Exercise Changes Your Brain for the Better

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We all know that exercising is good for our physical well-being. But did you know that it could improve your mental health too?

It’s true – regular physical exercise can help keep your brain healthy, just like any other organ. How?

1. Healing and Preventing Anxiety and Depression
It’s well-established that the mental illnesses anxiety and depression can have a severe impact on your physical wellness, and stress only exacerbates these conditions. It’s also been shown that regular exercise can not only prevent anxiety and depression from setting in, but even help to cure them in patients who are already suffering from their effects.

2. Improving Circulation
Your brain needs blood and oxygen to function properly. When either one of these are in short supply, your mental capabilities decrease. The good news is that maintaining healthy levels of blood circulation can help new brain cells form and even stave off dementia. It’s due to increase circulation in the brain that you feel more awake after stepping away from your desk to do a few jumping jacks. So it’s now wonder that a clearer mind comes from regular exercise.

3. Increasing IQ?
Forget every stereotype you’ve ever heard about jocks being poor students; there’s a definite correlation between levels of exercise and improving IQ levels. Speculation for the reason behind this points to a clearer mind due to lower stress levels and good circulation. So whether you want to do better on a test or get into MENSA, adding regular exercise to your day can help you reach your goals.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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