DIY ProjectsHow To Build A Frame Rabbit Hutches

How To Build A Frame Rabbit Hutches

This is a nice tutorial for building A-frame rabbit hutches. These are made from wood but you could use pvc or metal for the frames. The hutches are sitting on wood frames and are predator proof. The rabbit has an open area to get fresh air and go potty and then it has am enclosed place for sleeping and to get out of the weather.  is a 15 year old and she designed and built these on her own and shares the tutorial on Instructables.

How To Build A Frame Rabbit Hutches

I have to say this is an awesome project that she has designed and completed. If you added containers below the hutches you could collect the rabbit manure to use as fertilizer. Rabbit manure can be added directly to the garden because it is not hot like chicken or other animal manure is. You could also add it to your compost if you wanted to. By having the containers under the hutches cleaning the manure up would be as easy as dumping on the compost pile and using the hose to rinse the container before replacing under the hutch.

For folks that don’t like the wire you could add straw for he rabbits to walk on but then in winter they may end up laying in wet straw. There is room for modifications if you wanted to change something but the tutorial will help you get the basics of the hutch built.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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