This step by step tutorial of How To Crochet A Rug with T Shirt Fabric Yarn is an amazingly frugal way to reused stained shirts into a warm cozy rug.
For generations people have been making rag rugs as an affordable way to make a rug from leftover scraps of fabrics. Using what you have to make something useful without dipping into your saving or going to debt was a proud accomplishment back in times gone by. Actually, frugal homesteaders of today are still taking pride in self sufficiency skills and crafts. Reuse material possessions you already own instead of buying more stuff…. jump off the consumer treadmill and save your cash.
Do you have t shirts that are stained beyond wearing out in public any longer ? Excellent, then they are perfect to cut into thin strip to make t shirt yarn. At the end of each length, tie a tight knot to join the pieces together then roll into a big ball.
Here are the things you may need:
T Shirts Yarn
Yarn – regular
Crochet Hook – any size