GardeningHow to Divide Living Basil into Healthy Individual Plants

How to Divide Living Basil into Healthy Individual Plants

This simple step by step tutorial of how to divide a living Basil into healthy individual Basil plants. A homesteader can grow Basil year round for a fresh leaves to make pesto.

Keeping your own herb and spice plants is an amazing way to assure that all your good tastes fresh and delicious. Plus, depending on what herbs you use, there are so many awesome things you can do with fresh plants that you can’t do with the dried versions.

Starting an herb garden is actually very simple. Most grocery stores sell several different types of herbs, already potted and ready to go. Unfortunately, these types of potted plants don’t usually last very long, mostly because there isn’t enough space to keep growing.

Thankfully, the author of this tutorial came up with the perfect solution. The author created a tutorial on how to divide up the basil plants purchased in grocery stores and repot them, so they can continue to grow and stay healthy. By using this method, not only has the author almost doubled the amount of basil growing, but they’re all extremely healthy.

Using the method laid out here, you’ll be able to expand the life of your basil and you’ll also be able to transition them from these pots into the garden. These simple steps will help you create an entire garden of basil that will keep you in the delicious herb until winter!

All you’ll need for this tutorial is:

– A Pot of Grocery Store Basil
– Rich Potting Compost
– Small Pots (or toilet paper rolls)
– A Warm Space

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How to Divide Living Basil into Healthy Individual Plants
How to Divide Living Basil into Healthy Individual Plants

After following these instructions, you’ll probably want to use this method on all your herbs!

Click here to read about How to Divide Living Basil into Healthy Individual Plants:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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